Tall Pillar
Locally hand-rolled beeswax candles from Beggar's Ride Farm owned by Natalie Woodroofe.
Beeswax candles have been the preferred choice of royalty, places of worship and common folk for centuries. Beggar's Ride Farm candles are made with pure beeswax, cotton wicking, warm hands and nothing else! The delicate and subtle fragrance of your candle is determined by the plant blossoms from which honey bees have gathered pollen. A beeswax candle's light is much stronger and brighter than any other kind of candle. When burned, they emit negative ions and are said to stimulate creativity, intuition and dreams. This makes them an excellent candle choice for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivity.
Locally hand-rolled beeswax candles from Beggar's Ride Farm owned by Natalie Woodroofe.
Beeswax candles have been the preferred choice of royalty, places of worship and common folk for centuries. Beggar's Ride Farm candles are made with pure beeswax, cotton wicking, warm hands and nothing else! The delicate and subtle fragrance of your candle is determined by the plant blossoms from which honey bees have gathered pollen. A beeswax candle's light is much stronger and brighter than any other kind of candle. When burned, they emit negative ions and are said to stimulate creativity, intuition and dreams. This makes them an excellent candle choice for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivity.
Locally hand-rolled beeswax candles from Beggar's Ride Farm owned by Natalie Woodroofe.
Beeswax candles have been the preferred choice of royalty, places of worship and common folk for centuries. Beggar's Ride Farm candles are made with pure beeswax, cotton wicking, warm hands and nothing else! The delicate and subtle fragrance of your candle is determined by the plant blossoms from which honey bees have gathered pollen. A beeswax candle's light is much stronger and brighter than any other kind of candle. When burned, they emit negative ions and are said to stimulate creativity, intuition and dreams. This makes them an excellent candle choice for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivity.